Lawmakers visit homeless to seek input on solutions | | The Honolulu Advertiser
a full report on this visit later. I spoke personally to Mizuno for over an hour. While Cabanilla makes caliys statements about public housing residents, and then trots dow to Waianae to make a solid case for evicting public housing residents, Mizuno seemed to be willing to listen to reason. I can tell you that Cabanillas goal is to evict public housing residents. Mizuno I am hoiping has changed his mind. The situation of poeple being homeless is not caused by the homeless themselves. ANd good law abiding rent poaying long term residents should not be forcced back onto the beach in an exchange of hostages of war. I wil;l be adfding more to this post as I continue my fight against any such legislation.
Lawmakers grill ag chief over lack of biosecurity progress, gender
inequality evident in high school career prep, Maui council passes water
measures, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands
*Lawmakers grill state Agriculture Department for not spending $10M
biosecurity fund.* In an informational briefing last week, Sen. Jarrett
Keohokalole n...
1 day ago