Monday, January 25, 2010

Gary Hooser making national headlines on gay rights. GO GARY!!

YECS links - Christians in Science

YECS links - Christians in Science

OMG they have a link saying ANTI YEC sites (NON CHRISTIAN)!! If that isnt evidence for the AMerican Taliban I dont know what is OMG BOL

arguments against it in academia

trying to justify it, but it is so easy to pick apart it is actually a bit embarassing. LOL much more on thius later, anmd how this is a core beleif of the AMerican taliban

a confused mishmash. lots of good links to their skewed philosophies and great for getting to the bottom of the whole Christian Taliban Idealism, and Ideology

Arizona is 6000 years old? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Arizona is 6000 years old? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

scroll down and read all the comments I will be blogging more on this later. when my head stops being on fire hahaha

Sally Kern's Proclamation for Morality | Right Wing Watch

Sally Kern's Proclamation for Morality | Right Wing Watch


The American Taliban

The American Taliban

SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with CLUELESS Supporters

OMG this is freakin hilarious I cant beleive these people HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The Story Of Human Rights

Here is every thought every hope every passion every desire every fight I have ever thought. Watch. LEarn. Listen. THink. Blink. Change. Fight for INternational declaration of Human Rights to become Law.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights animation


Elisa - Reproductive Rights for Filipino Women

If you are PRO this the LIFE you had in mind????

Glen Beck and his "Revolutioinary Holocasut" Tries to say that Hitler and Stalin were Liberals. We Pick it apart thread by stupid thread.

FUll Blown analysis of every statement trying to implicate liberal thought, or the Democratic Party, ect, to what this peice of ridiculous propaganda by Beck is trying to say., Besides the HORRIBLE copycat acting of Beck, trying to act like a real investigative reporter, and the ridiculous Glasses He tried to wear in the first video, but was gone for the rest of the video, I will pick apart the extreme rights REAL agenda. And if it wasn't for Glenn Beck I could not have done it. THANKS GLEN!!

The extreme right has a truly interesting base philosophical base, a mishmash of religious conservative ideology, cold war fear, and a confusing abhorrance for extreme right wing regimes, such as Hitler and Stalin, yet twists them around somehow, to be a liberal thinking philosophy. THis video makes the shocking defense of Adolf Hitlers regime as "nowhere near as bad as", other, more "liberal regimes, such as Mao Se Dong, and Che Guerra, using all of these past dictators, as somehow stating "We cannopt let this happen again, America and Americans must be vigilant."

In the first video, a picture of President Obama flashes. THen a look at Nazism and Hitler and Stalin. SPeaking of the Adoration of Hitler and Stalin, all of the insinuations of Beck are very thinly veiled, you can see right through them "Obama is revered just like Hitler was. Obama was for social programs, health care, ect. SO was Hitler.", He is not saying it outright but the implication is clear even to a fifth grader.

(I will be writting more)