Monday, December 14, 2009


In your efforts, I suggest that you continue to explore ways in which it is possible to clearly demonstrate how collaborative efforts should be the way to combine the resources from the public and private sectors to get things done. 
From the private sector, the greatest challenge is to "fire people up" to get organized and involved.  Too often, the few who will take the time to "speak up" are left in the forefront by standing alone by themselves.  The grass roots constituency will say things like "right on", but will not attend meetings or voice their opinions.  The groundswell of support with the SuperFerry is an excellent example of how the grassroots constituency CAN and SHOULD make a difference.  I would prefer that the swearing and the hostility be minimized, and that those in positions of leadership should set the example of being rational and clear-minded about seeking solutions.
It would be to the advantage of those who wish to protect and preserve our finite natural resources and our cultural heritages by being definitive in offering solution-based approaches over and above being than merely confrontational in addressing the concerns and issues at hand.  You, Anne, have retained your passion and eloquence with your abilities to be focused and analytical in assessing the challenges and choices which impact and affect what is precious and priceless in our midst.  As you move forward, continue to inspire others to join you in your endeavors.
Jose/Mr B

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