Thursday, June 24, 2010

Public input sought on strawberry guava plan

Public input sought on strawberry guava plan-I will be in SUPPORT

I will be testifying in FAVOR of this. I did a lot of research on this, read everything and made a few phone calls. This species will NOT impat Native HAwaiian plants. this was proven after an amazing solid 15 years of biological research. SPecifically done in HAwaii, with Hawaiian plants. I can tell you thqt this is one plan that I am in absolute agreement!! THere is virtually NO SINGLE FOREST on Kauai that is not threatened by this species!
Now, If we can just come up with something for the Java plum, and the African Tulip, then we could virtually restore our native forests!. Oh and throw in invasive ferns that choke out the palapalai, and invasive non indigenous gingers, and then we could restore the forests!!. If this proves its worth, that may be quickly coming in the future!!

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