Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Web site for public comment on UN Declaration | Indian Country Today | Content THIS IS THE RIGHT LINK THE ONE IN THE ARTICLE IS WRONG!!
This is the official link, and the article appearing in Indian country today. I suggest everyone get their fingers cracked and start slapping the keys and get in your comments!
This is about renewing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
There is a comment period for everyone. The link ins in the article. I did it, and I challenge the rest of you do do so as well!
Anne Punohu
Me kealoha pumehana
Houselss, Homeless, Potato, Potah-to-Conference reeks of rotten eggs
You clearly have got to love this article, and a lot of the responses to it. If the ridiculous could be any more sublime.
So, I f you haven't guessed yet, as I write on this topic and advocate for fair and equitable housing ad nauseum and no one really listens to me, I will of course be repeating myself.
I have recently met some people, who are responsible hard working people. One is a mom with three kids. The other is a professional woman. Both have degrees. Both are articulate, intelligent, have no vices, such as drinking, drugs, or questionable behavior, and no mental illnesses. They are perfectly deserving of a decent job and decent housing.
However, neither can find that. They are houseless not homeless. They are part of the much larger numbers of people that do not have a tent parked at the beach. They stay with friends, or live in other peoples back yards, wherever they can go. The word has gone out about a 500 dollar dine for sleeping oin your car, and the rousting of people from beaches. People are clearly terrified. No one wants to step forward. People do not even tell other people that they are actually homeless.
Many poeple on o0ur island, get up get dressed, get their kids off to school, go to work, pick up their kids, and then its a struggle to get through the night. It is more expensive to be on the street. You cant always cook for yourself, you use more gas in your car, and getting a hot shower can also be a problem.
(f you are working, shelter hours here on Kauai are a nightmare. You have to check in by 4 pm. Many cant go there, because of the geographical location of the shelter, being in Lihue. The gas money alone, if you are trying to save up for a rental is hard if you are working in Kapaa, the North Shore, or the South Side. The shelter here is very good. However we need more very low income housing. And quick.
On Oahu, its an epidemic proportions. I know many families there that are homeless. I guess on Oahu there must be an influx of the severely mentally ill, and druggies and others, but i also know there are a significant number of houseless, and families.
The problem is there is no permanent housing here that they can afford. The solution, accodording to some law makers, is to push out existing families out of public housing that have been living their in their opinion for too long, and have extended family members living with them.
This is their solution. Kick out one group of people, who have been following the rules and paying their rents for years, and make them homeless, so that these other homeless can get into housing, and off the street.
WOW. Now THERE is an intelligent solution!~! NOT!!
That solution woujld also cause a flurry of lawsuits. Forget flurry. Try avalanche Can anyone say the words "unconstitutional?" If anyone else had been renting in the private sector, and been a longstanding teneat, would we say to them, "Hey you have been paying your rent and following the rules here long enough!. Its time to get on with your life and get another rental you lazy worthless bum!". Would we say that? Nope.
However, that is exactly what some state legislators are planning come January. Some of them think, rather insanely, that public housing residents are somehow now a worse scurge against hum,anity than the homeless they often treat like wild, untamed animals. Now its the public housing residents that are the terrible, lazy bums. Even though most families are law abiding, pay their rents and follow the rules. What sort of a farce of a government says "Hey lets kick out the public housing residents, so we can stuff these guys in there and put those guys out on the street."
A lot of public housing residents work, and have children. If you evict public housing residents, arbitrarily, after deciding how many years is "too long" to live in public housing, which is by the way labeled as "permanent housing", and NOT as a "temporary housing, or shelter", then you are essentially putting a lot of working class and the working poor on the beaches. Which they are not allowed to stay at. Which will put them back in a homeless shelter. So they can wait to get back into public housing.
Yeah thats a really good solution. makes a hell of a lot of sense. NOT.
The only solution, is to do a few things:
1. Residency policy for social services.
2, Immediately construct more low and extremely low housing facilities.
3. Fix up the units that are empty all over public housing, and get them occupied.
4. Rent control., and new laws to cap what people can charge for rental units in this state, based on 30 percent income.
5. NEWw laws that state that if you re coming here to do business and hire employees, then you m,ust put into a worker housing fund to provide low uiincoime and extreme low income housing in this state. (Oh people will scream about that one!) I don't care.
If I was in government, these are the steps I would take.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Kingdom of Atooi: A New Synopsis, and a new name, Kamawailualanimoku
Now as you know I couldnt claim to my satisfaction that AIpoalani had any legitimate geneological claims to becoming the Kauai Moi. However, there is another way he could actually be claimed legitimately in my eyes as the Alii Moi.
Here they are:
Restore one of the Pio lines, such as Mano Ka Lani Po, and return the name of Kauai to Kauai Mano Ka Lani Po, as this was its name for hundreds of years, and is backed up by histroric, chants, moolelo, and documentation. and get rid of the whole "Atiooi" inoa, and any other derivitives they have been batting around. That would really help to lift a large and derisive cloud of illegitamancy the "Kingdom" has been getting, even from me.
2. Restore Kauais sacred name, which is NOT Atooi, but Kamawailualanimoku .
This name is supported by many chants, kahiko, moolelo and documentation. It is even in the Kumulipo.
4. Legitimately call together the rest of the living lines of Alii NUI, MO'I, and PIO lines, ect. I have listed them all in a former posting
This will take, time and research, and locating many people. However, to really solidify and make Aipoalani someone that EVERYONE can support, it MUST be done according to PROTOCOL.
You need to call together everyone, and get their consensus and agreement that YOU, Dayne Aipoalani, will by right of "conquest" and "defeat" claim Kauai as yours, and ask all to swear loyalty to YOU. If all agree, essentially it becomes a "bloodless Coup."
Why do I beleive this is the way to go? Because it was something your claimed ancestor did, as well as Kauais legitimate Moi, Kaumualii, diplomacy, and right of conquest combined. After all, it is not practicle to actually have a battle and a war here, but that is how Kamehameha the First elevated himself from a minor wohi cheif, along with the help of English cannon, guns and ships to conquer other islands. But this is a very different situation.
If you can suceed in convincing all the other cheifly lineages here, with living legitimate heirs, that YOU are the best konohiki for the job, and everyone agrees by consensus, that you by sheer force of will, personality and perseverance deserve the right to rule Kauai as Kauais Mo'i, then I can see absolutely no impediment to you doing so.
5.Create an Islandwide Constitution. This must be agreed upon by all of the delegates, hereditary family alii lines and heirs, that will elect you as Kauai Moi, and all agreed upon tenents, including land divisions. It is here, where your superior skills of geneology must be employed fairly, while all are before you, to decide who will be the konohilis, Alii, ect. I suggrdt that you begin to employ the hghly trained and knowlegeable geneologists wherever you can find them they are numerous and many. You must also call to your side the last living Kupunas, historians, and archivists. Many documents must be perused, to decide who will attend. You will have many petitions before you, from many poeple clamoring for the right to attend and be a part of this, since many hundreds have claim to the alii class here.You must put forth your list, and Your constitution. Then all must vote on it.
6. Ratify and implement the New Constitution. After the constitution has been ratified (agreed to), then you must implement it, by designating the different Aliis, and konohikis for each specific areas. They each must be an excellent choice, and be good caregivers of all the poeple. This is the old and accepted way. Your choices must be wise. If you choose wrongly, it will reflect upon You. Remember, that all couldbne deposed by the poeple. This was the old way. You do not want to be a tyrant, and damage your people, you want to be a kind, and benevolent ruler.
7. Land Aquisition. After the Aliis and the Konohikis are named, and in place, each one will call together the people. Land claims then can begin islandwide. IN each konohiki district, all claims will be taken to the ALiis, who will then meet with you, the ALii Moi. It is up to You, then to take these claims, and work through the legal details, with the court attorneys for returning these lands to each alii, and Konohiki who will then redistribute the lands to the people. You must actually make sure they do this, and do not cheat the poeple, or keep the land for themselves, or are fair and equtable in their distribution of the lands. You must allow a Land Court to be put forth to deal with any claimants, so that any greivances can be brought before your courts. You must also establish a court system as well, including naming who will sit in on these cases, and decide them, and keep the laws of the land, which you will be creating within the new constitution. The laws must be fair. Remember, all who live under your rule must be cared for. This includes non Hawaiians, as well as those with Hawaiian blood. The great Queen Liliuokalani had subjects of all races and nationalities. So will you.
8. Commerce, Indistry, Health, Safety, Welfare, and Education. You must now begin the task of overseeing all of the cabinents and tenents of governments. Each appointment you make must be done very carefully. Remember you do not wish to impose more suffering on the poeple. They have already been though so much. You must now begin to build up the economy, infrastructure, secure loands, and raise capitol to finance all public institutions, and form an economic infrastructure. People must be housed, fed, cared for, and their educational and medical needs provided for. Their must be road maintenence, police, fire, rescue, and all other manner of departments created. You will need money for staff, and you will more then likely need to float bonds to accomplish this.
9. The new (old) Kingdiom of Kauai Manokalanipo, or Kamawailualanimoku whichever one is agreed upon, by a consensus of the cheifly lines, which have electedf islandwide to accept you as the ALii Moi of Kauai decides upon, You now must establish a language, and a monetary base for your currency. This must be backed up by some sort of an ecomony which may take some time to establish. You will also need to pay off any bonds floated to you, or any international loans you may have been able to seure, to keep the social safety net alive for the thousands of poeple who will still need to rely on services for them. This was something that all of the ALii Mois of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nei have had to do. It proved very difficult, and required negotiating a lot of treaties, the problem came when floating bonds and loans, were paid off with land, because liquid assets were scarce for the Hawaiian Monarchy. But I am sure that for you, this will not be a problem.
a)You will, of course, immediately restore the Kingdoms language to the KAUAI DIALECT, and you, yourself, will begin to relearn the proper dialect of the ALiis. You will ensure that Hawaiian, Olelo, is the language of Kauai, Manokalanipo, or Kamawaibuilanimoku the primary language, and if you choose to then, English can also be a secondary language. You must of course, in this case, make sure that all government documents, public documents, and all commuinications be in these dialects, and then traslated into English, much as the government now translates its documents into many languages. The people must also be taught in the schools Hawaiian(Olelo) first, then English of course, or Spanish, or whatever other language you feel should be the secondary language. After all you are the Moi, its your call. You may choose to have the secondary language, be another country with which you have strong diplomatic ties, with or economic ties with. It is entirely up to you. That is why in French Polynesia, or Tahiti, the language is French and not English, because of this very thing. Well, that and the fact that they were colonized by the French as well. English becasme Hawaiis secondary language becasue of course the diplomatic ties, were with England. It was not the American language but the English language which was predominate along with the Olelo. You may again establish Olelo language newspapers across Kauai. We could have French as our secondary language, or even Spanish, or Maori, or Tahitian. Its up to you. You realize that true native speakers will be required to restore the original language. There are however few speakers of the ALii class language. Beleive it or not, I beleive Mr. Robinson is actually fluent in this level of Olelo. I am sure he would be more then willing and gloriousely happy and proud to help you, and all of the other ALiis restore the correct vernacular to the Alii class. remember, the commoners language and that of the ALii class were vastly different.
b)You will see that the currency will need to be backed by SOMETHING. Unfortunately for this situation, the only real asset you will have is the land. That is why land aquisition must occur BEFORE the coinage of a currency. You must have something to BACK UP the currency with. But thats not a problem, since you will be reinstituting intensive agriculture on Kauai, to make the land produce. Virtually everyone will be able to contribute, since all will have their ili lands returned to them, each family will be alotted its due, and all can keep the ecomomy afloat. Then, the currency can be backed by a certain economic flow. Tourism, must also be regulated, and that will also be a source of income, as well as any other venture you and the Moi want to establish to help to boost the economy.
10. With you now seated firmly and duly agreed upon to all of the cheifly lines on Kauai, you have restored the correct names to Kauai nei, you have brought the cheifs together, had yourself elected and proclaimed as alii nui, you have gotten the loans and bonds that you needed and returned the land to the poeple, gotten the economy rolling, kept essential services going, restored the language,and have appointed to your cabinet learned, educated, and knowlegeable poeple who have the ability to help to support the ALii and the Konohikis to keep their districts safe, clean, and well ordered, you have done what I beleive in your heart of hearts wanted to. Been proclaimed the King of ALl Kauai, and I suppose you would like to include Niihau in that, although I am not sure how Mr. Roibinson will feel about that, but I am sure through your fine and excelent diplomatic skills it can be accomplished.
I wish you godspeed, and hope to see you take this course of action that I have suiggested. I beleive that you truly want to be the King, the ALii Moi. I believe that you would rather follow the well meant, and well thought out advice I am giving you. Many of Hawaiis Kings had advisors. After all, Kamehameha the First had 13 of them. They all told him to go and conquer Kauai, and take Kaumualii prosoner, or kill him. He listened to them,something of not taking a more better course of action. However, his son did listen to those same advisors. Of course, his ship was wrecked on his reckless attempt to conquer Kauai, based on the advice of his advisors, spurring him on that he was the rightful King of Kauai. Luckily foe him, Kam II met a good, benevelent, and diplomatic King of Kauai by the name of Kaumualii, who cared for him, fed him, outfitted him and sent him right back to Oahu. Such is the famousness of the Kings of Kauai. Yes, advisors can be many, but the advice must be wieghed form all angles. Because a King must have advisors to surround him. And as every wise King knows. Not all should agree with him on everything. There needs to always be a balance.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Insights on PBS Hawaii - Neighbor Island Mayors - June 24, 2010
This is the link to the PBS hosted local airing of the three outer island mayors.
this is a MUST SEE!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Kaua'is TVR : Ag vs Vacation Rental "supplement". No Excuse for not being able to produce off the land.
But then, ag lands do not go to people like me, who can actually farm, know what to plant and where and how to ammend the soil and make things grow.
It goes to rich greedy fake so called "farmers", who come here, don't know what the heck they are doing, fail, and then cry and moan that they HAVE to have a vacation rental, or they can not possibly make it!!
What a ridiculous, unfair farce.
The worst thing is when the council whines they don't know what agriculture is and they are trying to figure out how to define it. That's like saying they don't know how to eat, or walk, or stand upright, and they have to define it.
It reminds me of the ridiculous debates a few years ago about what constitutes an "environmentalist", regarding the seat on the planning commission that states there must be a representative from enviromental interests on the planning commission.
Its the same thing. Some people said, well I know which bin to put cardboard in, and I drop off my cardboard at the recycling center. Therefore, I have been active in the enviromental community and know enough to represent that seat on the commission." That was what some people were actually saying, I am not kidding you.
The same theory is now being applied to agriculture. "Well I have plants on my land, so I am a farmer. See all this grass?".
I just cannot tell you how totally p.o.'d that kind of very ignorant, and fake stupid "well I dont know I am innocent. Whats agriculture anyway? How do we define it? Lets ponder this until after the election. "
I will never forget, at the meeting I had a great conversation with one of the landowners, who actually turned out to be a really great couple.
I mentioned to the wife, that if they paid more attention to doing ag on their land they probably would not even need to supplement their income with the vacation rental, after finding out how much they charged for a room rental.
She agreed but said that the mortgage payments on the house were very high and that is why they needed to rent out rooms, but that if they did do more ag it probably would produce more.
Another issue that I heard, not from this couple whom I actually like, and think they really are pretty sincere poeple, I often here from these "farmers" that they can't sell their crops. Thats ridiculous. People are SCREAMING for Kauai produce. When I mention this, then they say that they can't get a good enough price for it if the market is flooded with certain seasonals.
So I tell people you need to niche market. Do hierlooms. Look at other varieties of crops. Do people listen? Nope. Want to know why?: Its real simple. They will "token farm", and then delight in failing, so they can say see, the land can't produce we cant make it work. SO we need to change the zoning because this ag land is just no good for farming.
That is the most bogus argument there is in this modern agricultural era. There are tons of soil ammendments that are safe, like sunhemp, a natural soil conditioner. Two or in the worst cases three rounds of this crop and you can fix the most depleted soils. A round of liming afterwards, and there is just absolutely no excuse for not being able to get in a crop of anything. A good load of loam from the west side maybe, if you need to, and six inches or organic topsoil tilled in, and you are on your way to a highly productive peice of land. There is NO EXCUSE for not being able to bring in a crop. Especially if land has been fallow for awhile. Everyone knows fallow land is the best for ammending and rejuvination, and will be able to produce well if you take care of your spoils properly.
But all this is a waste of breath. These poeple will do the exact opposite to ensure they DON'T get a good crop or do well. Then they can whine, moan, and complain. THey waste all of the ag lands, they trash them, they do everything wrong, and they are the ones that contribute to the degeneration of our soils and ag lands.
I would like an ordinance where we take the land away from farmers, and give it out to poeple like me who can actually farm. WHo know how to produce food, or to ranch and produce meats, cheeses, or who can grow herbs or medicinals, or who can produce traditional canoe plant crops, or florals that can be used for mass producing leis, such as vanda orchids, and plumerias.Ho0w about growong ipu gourds, and Kauai wauke, and producing real Hawaiian tapa again? how about lauhala groves, and a manyfacturing area, where we can produce lauhala weavinjg from right here on Kauai? How about ulu groves, and the selling of breadfgruit? More taro farming? how about hawaiian medicinal plant farms? How about niche marketing, such as truffles, vineyards, and then wines produced right on kauai? Fruit tree groves, and then the production of jams and jellies from them? What about the numerous varieties of teas, and then the manufacture and packaging right here? What about the fruits which we need to export such as papayas, mangoes, bananas? How about edible gingers, and a host of other hierloom and niche marketing crops? This is what agriculture is.
The guy that said he couldnt grow an orange tree by the ocean, obviousely a mainland transplant does not understand that years ago, in the kalalau valley true farmers came here form the mainland, planted citrus in the kalalau valley, on the ocean, on the coast, with wind and rain, and saltwater, and were able to supply all of California with citrus, including oranges limes and lemons. When I hear this guy complaining he cant grow an orange tree, that just really insults the intelligence of Kauais people. since we know the history of citrus here. In particular the varieties of Ka'u oranges that are adapted to those conditions, the Hawaiian lemon s and limes, ect. So we know the guy is just totally incapable. HE should not have that land. Give it to a real farmer.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Public input sought on strawberry guava plan
I will be testifying in FAVOR of this. I did a lot of research on this, read everything and made a few phone calls. This species will NOT impat Native HAwaiian plants. this was proven after an amazing solid 15 years of biological research. SPecifically done in HAwaii, with Hawaiian plants. I can tell you thqt this is one plan that I am in absolute agreement!! THere is virtually NO SINGLE FOREST on Kauai that is not threatened by this species!
Now, If we can just come up with something for the Java plum, and the African Tulip, then we could virtually restore our native forests!. Oh and throw in invasive ferns that choke out the palapalai, and invasive non indigenous gingers, and then we could restore the forests!!. If this proves its worth, that may be quickly coming in the future!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I do not endorse Mufi Hanneman for Governor
I have made a public statement that Mufi Hanneman needs to proudly walk himself on over to the GOP and stay there.
Do not let the door hit you on the way out.
That goes for all of the rest of the closet Republicans we have infecting our party. Its like a rampant disease.
Say you are a "democrat", then just act like a Republican. Get the benefit of no one voting you out, because you are catering to both sides.
In the meantime, the Democrat party has consistantly told me, year after year, that I am not a Democrat because they cannot seem to find my name on the list.
So, the real Democrats are treated like crap, while the Republicrats are treated like gold and offered stuff, while the rest of us true Democrats are pretty much ignored.
I have stated that I will call for a boycott of the Governors race if Mufi Hanneman is selected by our party.
I am not advocating voting Republican, because why bother you can just vote for Mufi. What I am advocating is plunking for Gary, and that is it.
If we all threaten not to vote, and let Aiona have it, because what is the difference between Aiona and Hanneman? Nothing. Hanneman is a conservative Republican.
I am willing to stand by the boycott idea. If everyone really cares about the state, the election and the campaign, they will vote for Amercrombie. Period. I can sincerely tell you that many REAL Democrats are disgusted with the thought of a Hanneman win.
Most outer islands people do not want Hanneman for other reasons. He is for Oahu. Its all about Oahu. Outer islands? Trash them, who cares. Its Oahu that matters.
Hanneman can raise all of the money he wants.
Some of us would rather throw the baby out with the bathwater and commit political hari kari then allow this imposter to the throne on the governors seat, to wreak havoc for another 8 yers of exactly the kind of leadership that Lingle has shown.
I for one will never tow the party line on this one. The box will remain empty. And I will encourage others to do the same.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Faith group seeks new path as stone is moved - Hawaii News -
stone is moved
A focal point for many in Wahiawa will be repatriated to a Hawaiian birthing site
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 21, 2010
Papia Sengupta said she and her fellow members of the Lord of the Universe Society (LOTUS) are not going to dwell on matters beyond their control, but the tears on her cheeks yesterday seemed clear-enough indication that the loss of the group's central object of worship was still fresh.
Members of the Hindu group had spent 22 years as adopted caretakers of the so-called Healing Stone of Wahiawa, in which they discerned the presence of the god Shiva. In recent years, the group had worked in loose partnership with a group of Hawaiian nationalists who valued the stone's historical significance as a kapu marker for the sacred area of Kaukonahua. Last week, the Hawaiian group removed the stone from the marble temple on California Avenue that LOTUS had built for its protection.
Tom Lenchenko, kahu of Kukaniloko, said the stone would eventually be repatriated to Kukaniloko, the venerated birthing site of Hawaiian alii where it had spent the early part of the last century.
Yesterday, LOTUS observed its regularly scheduled monthly service at the California Avenue site, its first since the stone was removed.
"We are very sad, very depressed," Sengupta said afterward. "Our religion tells us to be tolerant and reasonable. We are nonviolent people and we do not want to create conflict, so we must now decide what we do from here and not look to the past. It is very important for us to keep this community together."
The ceremony proceeded as it always does with the bathing of sacred icons in milk, honey and yogurt, the honoring of gods Ganesh and Shiva, and the recitation of 108 variations of Shiva's name. The audience sat tightly packed together on the small marble platform, many dressed in brightly colored traditional garb, their eyes occasionally drawn to the empty concrete cradle on which the largest portion of the three-piece stone had rested.
Robert Cain, who attended to the day-to-day cleaning of the temple and its surrounding areas, was there the morning that the stone was removed.
"I arrived here around 5 a.m. to do my normal cleanup and I was surprised to see (kahu Elithe Kahn) with a group of people," Cain said. "They had watered down the stone and were preparing a ceremony. I asked her what the occasion was and she said, 'It's time to move the stone.'"
Kahn, who holds the lease on the small plot on which the temple stands, worked with Lenchenko to get authorization from the property owner to move the stone, although LOTUS was never informed of the plan.
Cain said he left but returned a couple of hours later to watch a group of people use jackhammers to loosen the stone from its anchoring. Cain said he was invited to stay for a ceremonial blessing. There was a moment of tension when a couple of LOTUS members arrived at the scene, but Cain said the entire process of moving the stone was handled efficiently and was "very respectful."
Sengupta said LOTUS erected the temple around the stone to protect it (it had previously been housed in a dilapidated shack) and to give people in the community an opportunity to worship it as they saw fit.
"We never said it was our stone," she said. "It was always available to anybody who has faith. We worshipped it in our way and for us it was a peaceful and disciplined way for our children to see how we get together. But it has always been about the entire community. Now we need the support of the community if we are going to go on."
LOTUS board members have begun discussions of what to do with the temple now that the stone is gone. They are considering taking over the soon-to-expire lease so they can continue to make the temple available to visitors.
"I was amazed that (the stone's removal) happened so suddenly," said longtime LOTUS member Mira Savara, 56, of Aina Haina. "We're definitely going to miss its presence and its blessings, but this place has become such a powerful place for prayer. We believe in praying together and I will still come."

Papia Sengupta said she and her fellow members of the Lord of the Universe Society (LOTUS) are not going to dwell on matters beyond their control, but the tears on her cheeks yesterday seemed clear-enough indication that the loss of the group's central object of worship was still fresh.
Members of the Hindu group had spent 22 years as adopted caretakers of the so-called Healing Stone of Wahiawa, in which they discerned the presence of the god Shiva. In recent years, the group had worked in loose partnership with a group of Hawaiian nationalists who valued the stone's historical significance as a kapu marker for the sacred area of Kaukonahua. Last week, the Hawaiian group removed the stone from the marble temple on California Avenue that LOTUS had built for its protection.
Tom Lenchenko, kahu of Kukaniloko, said the stone would eventually be repatriated to Kukaniloko, the venerated birthing site of Hawaiian alii where it had spent the early part of the last century.
Yesterday, LOTUS observed its regularly scheduled monthly service at the California Avenue site, its first since the stone was removed.
"We are very sad, very depressed," Sengupta said afterward. "Our religion tells us to be tolerant and reasonable. We are nonviolent people and we do not want to create conflict, so we must now decide what we do from here and not look to the past. It is very important for us to keep this community together."
The ceremony proceeded as it always does with the bathing of sacred icons in milk, honey and yogurt, the honoring of gods Ganesh and Shiva, and the recitation of 108 variations of Shiva's name. The audience sat tightly packed together on the small marble platform, many dressed in brightly colored traditional garb, their eyes occasionally drawn to the empty concrete cradle on which the largest portion of the three-piece stone had rested.
Robert Cain, who attended to the day-to-day cleaning of the temple and its surrounding areas, was there the morning that the stone was removed.
"I arrived here around 5 a.m. to do my normal cleanup and I was surprised to see (kahu Elithe Kahn) with a group of people," Cain said. "They had watered down the stone and were preparing a ceremony. I asked her what the occasion was and she said, 'It's time to move the stone.'"
Kahn, who holds the lease on the small plot on which the temple stands, worked with Lenchenko to get authorization from the property owner to move the stone, although LOTUS was never informed of the plan.
Cain said he left but returned a couple of hours later to watch a group of people use jackhammers to loosen the stone from its anchoring. Cain said he was invited to stay for a ceremonial blessing. There was a moment of tension when a couple of LOTUS members arrived at the scene, but Cain said the entire process of moving the stone was handled efficiently and was "very respectful."
Sengupta said LOTUS erected the temple around the stone to protect it (it had previously been housed in a dilapidated shack) and to give people in the community an opportunity to worship it as they saw fit.
"We never said it was our stone," she said. "It was always available to anybody who has faith. We worshipped it in our way and for us it was a peaceful and disciplined way for our children to see how we get together. But it has always been about the entire community. Now we need the support of the community if we are going to go on."
LOTUS board members have begun discussions of what to do with the temple now that the stone is gone. They are considering taking over the soon-to-expire lease so they can continue to make the temple available to visitors.
"I was amazed that (the stone's removal) happened so suddenly," said longtime LOTUS member Mira Savara, 56, of Aina Haina. "We're definitely going to miss its presence and its blessings, but this place has become such a powerful place for prayer. We believe in praying together and I will still come."
1. First of all, there is NO SHIVA IN HAWAII.
2. The Gods here are 400,000. ABout a thousand times more then they have in India.
3. If you want to worship Shiva in YOUR pohaku, then BRING IT FROM INDIA AND HOUSE IT IN THE TEMPLE.
4. This is not a "stone", but a KII POHAKU. A standing stone. THese stones, are Laa Kii Pohaku, sacred standing stones were EXCLUSIVELY MALE IN GENDER. (THEY WERE NOT FEMALE OR FEMININE IN ANY WAY AT ALL. (SHIVA IS A FEMALE GODESS IN THE HINDU BELEIF).
6. IF you want people to be respectful of YOUR religion, then respect the HAWAIIAN religion!! If YOUR religion beleives in the embodiment of living gods or godesses living within stones, and the Hawaiians beleive the same thing, why would you move the stone in the first place? It was housed in a ":shack". What may be a shack to you, is a blessed place, just old with certain materials. I am AMAZED at the AUDACITY of Hindu religious practitioners flooding into Hawaii, and trying to OVERTAKE THE HAWAIIAN RELIGIOUS PRACTICES AND BELEIFS!!
7. That this stone was removed is a good thing. I applaud it one hundred percent!! STOP STEALING THE SACRED POHAKU!! ITS NOT YOURS ITS THE LAST THING THE PEOPLE HAVE NOW U TAKE EVEN THAT AND SAY IT IS YOURS! HEWA HEWA HEWA!!
Democratic chief takes Mufi to the woodshed « Volcanic Ash
Democratic chief takes Mufi to the woodshed
Mayor Mufi Hannemann got a dressing down from Democratic Party Chairman Dante Carpenter for not minding his manners at the recent state Democratic Convention, where Hannemann stumped as a candidate for governor.
In a 2 1/2-page letter to Hannemann, Carpenter complained that the mayor and his campaign committee decided not to sponsor a breakfast it was expected to host, “created turmoil” by hosting a competing campaign event that drew delegates away from Resolution Committee meetings, breached an agreement on the time for the mayor’s speech to the convention, ignored the time limit on the speech despite repeated warnings and tried to bamboozle hotel audiovisual people into playing an unauthorized campaign disc after the Hannemann speech.
“Working with your campaign representatives at times became cumbersome and created confusion,” Carpenter said. “Misunderstandings between your campaign representatives and the convention committee were numerous.”
Carpenter said that even after the Hannemann campaign was asked to avoid having its Friday night event interfere with the Resolutions Committee, the campaign placed invitations on the chairs of all the committee meeting rooms.
“At minimum, your Friday function represented a ‘distraction’ while at worst it was disrespectful of the very core reasons for the Friday night Democratic Party’s convention meetings — the serious participation of convention delegates engaged in developing Democratic Party principles,” Carpenter said.
He said the Hannemann campaign insisted on a written agreement for the time of Hannemann’s speech, then breached it.
“The written agreement stated that you would speak for five minutes with 1-2 minutes of ‘wiggle room.’ In fact, you spoke for 12 minutes and even when called on subtly three times by me (‘… Mufi, Pau’) to wrap up your remarks, you did not.
“In addition, during your speech your representative approached the Hilton’s AV people and gave them a disc to play at the end of your speech and informed the Hilton people that the convention committee had approved it. Hilton people checked and discovered that no such arrangements had been made or approved to place special for music for you and they did not. This representing yourself to the Hilton AV people was inappropriate; putting our people in the position of having to tell Hilton that no arrangements had been made was embarrassing for all concerned.”
Carpenter expressed disappointment that Hannemann didn’t participate in the nitty-gritty of the convention’s work.
“In your speech you spoke about your mentors, specifically Senator Inouye and Governor Waihe’e; both excellent examples of outstanding, committed Democrats. For your information, both Senator Inouye and Governor Waihe’e participated in many aspects of the 2010 convention, voting on resolutions, SSC members, national committeeman and state convention chair elections.
“It was a privilege for me to be able to look out over the delegation and see these two men sitting at the table with the delegates from their districts and precincts. Had you followed the examples you cited, I am sure that the delegates from your district and precinct would have enjoyed having you sit with them and share your views on the platform, resolutions and changes to the party’s constitution, as well.”
As party chairman, Carpenter says he’s neutral in the primary contest for governor between Hannemann and former U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie. When Carpenter served in the state Senate in the early 1980s, he and Abercrombie were both members of a faction led by Ben Cayetano.
ANd you have to ask me why I do NOT SUPPORT Mufi Hanneman as the next so called, fake, sheeps wool "Democratic" candidate for the governor? Hell No. Not only this, he has gone against civil unions, treated the homeless like garbage, and only cares about Oahu. WHat will the outer islands gain by this obvious conservative republican in Democratic Party sheeps clothing? ZERO.
The outer islands revolt will show in the voting booth, trust me.
Friday, June 18, 2010
An Investigation: Who is the Ali'i Mo'i of the Mokupuni Of Kaua'i?
OK, to put this whole issue to rest. Here is the truth and the real history.
There are the sacred kapu cheifs and cheifesses of Kauai. THey were numerous.
But there are only 24 historically listed, accepted lines of Ali'i Mo'i class on Kauai. The overwhelming majority of these names carry the ancient naming codes of Kauai in them. Most names start with the letter K. There is not one single solitary reference to the name "Atooi" in any one of these names.
Above and beyond even the class of Alii Mo'i, there is the true, sacred lineage of the KAPU Cheifs of Kauai.
They were and are still called Alii Pio.
They are not "Customary Cheifs.". THey are even higher then Alii Moi.
On Kauai there were Moi's for different sides of the island, namely Westside, and northshore/Eastside. Our island has mostly been divided in this way.
Since the years of 1200.
There are 24 Historical Alii Mois, and their decendent lines.
IN an 1833-1910 Marriage records, there is one Aipoalani, from 1846, and 2 Kanakaoles from 1833 or therabouts. Both from the Westside.
However there are 52 Opunuis. These are the Pio lines. The purest blood in Hawaii.
Amung the records there are many with the Kauai surname. In almost one hundred years there is not one single name on either side of the records which shows the name of "Atooi".
All who know the geneology know that the history reflects in the names.
As I have stated all along, the ruling family is the Kawananakoas. There is written proof, a direct edict from the Queen, and the fact that the Kawananakoas are Kauai Pio lines, would also make Kauai the ruling house.
The cheifly names of the last more then one hundred years are numerous from the Westside.
I do not doubt that Dayne Gonsalves mothers side has enough blood to claim a konohiki status. OF that I have no doubt. These are minor wohi regional cheifly classes, the same rank as Kamehameha the 1, before he elevated himself with the help of the english and captain cook.
The geneology on his side reflects however, more ties to the big island, and Oahu then Kauai.
There are approximately 500 or so Pio names from Kauai. Pio names are ONLY found on Kauai, AND NO OTHER ISLAND!! By 1833, to 1910, about half of those remained.
These families had numerous marriages, and many were from the Westside, as well as the Puna, Waioli, Hanalei, and other areas.
However that is not enough to claim Ali'i Mo'i status, and certainly not the right lines to claim Pio.
However this is my opinion, however, I have intesively gone over the geneologies carefully.
The Aipoalani claims are from a Ali'i Mo'i from about the 16th century. However, Aipoalani was a retainer, and not the Mo'i himself. The Mo'i he traveled with was reviled, and removed from Kauai, and was hiding o0n Oahu, and was eventually murdered there. AIpoalani escaped, and lived to an old age, with living children. THe geneology however climaed only one AIpoalani on Kauai. That contrasts with the large families of the Pio and Moi classes on Kauai. Of the 3rd ALii Moi on Kauai from the 13th century, Laamaikahiki, by the 1833 census there was only one left on Kauai.
The Kanaka'oles are from a cheifly line, of course, everyone knows that. However they are a Big Island Ohana, with very minimal ties to Kauai.
Irregardless of all of this, according to the constitutions of Queen Liliuokalani, and her brother, the ascension to the thrones, and Moi status or governorships of the other islands, are inherent in their public proclamations which did claim that on the event of Ka'iulanis death without issue, that Prince David would be the heir apperent. And that his 2 sons and one daughter, would also carry that tittle of Princess, and Prince. That is why Princess Abigail, and Prince Quentin Kawananakoa, her nephew legally carry the title today.
The constitution clearly states that unless you are named in the line of succession you have no claim to rule as a Alii Mo'i. Further, it is required that you be elected and chosen by the council of cheifs.
On Kauai, that ascension, was given to several people during the constitutional government, from clear Pio lines.
After the death of Deborah Kapule, the QUeen {Liliu) named these to suceed on Kauai:
These were ALii Nui, and ALii:
* Ali'i George Humehume Kaumuali'i (by Kawalu), born 1798 on Kaua'i, he started a rebellion on Kauaʻi, challenging the rule of King Kamehameha II, but was defeated and forced to flee, only to be captured and exiled to Oahu where he died; married Elizabeth Peke Davis, born 12th February 1803, daughter of Isaac Davis, and his wife, Ali'i Kalukuna, and had issue. He died 1826.
o Ali'i Harriet Wahinekipi Kaumuali'i, born 1823 on Kaua'i, married 28th March 1837 in Honolulu, John Meek Jr., and had issue. She died 3rd September 1843 on Maui and lies buried at the Maria Lanakila Catholic Church on Maui.
+ Eli Meek, born 1839, married Kahanu'ulani Amoy, died 1930. He died 1875.
+ Robert Meek
+ Elizabeth Meek
* Ali'i nui Keali'iahonui (by Kapua'amoku), High Chief of Kaua'i, married 1stly, Opunuiokalani, married 2ndly, about 1825, Ali'i nui Elizabeth Ka'ahumanu, born about 1773 in Kauiki, Hana, Maui, died 5th June 1832 in Manoa Valley, Honolulu, daughter of Ali'i nui Ke'eaumoku Papaiahiahi, and his wife, Ali'i nui Namahana'i'Kaleleokalani, and had issue. He died after 1845.
o Ali'i La'amea Keali'iahonui (k), born 28th January 1825.
* Ali'i nui Kinoiki Kekaulike (by Kapua'amoku), married Ali'i nui Kuhio Kalaniana'ole, High Chief of Hilo, and had issue.
* Ali'i Kuki'iahu (w) (by Naluahi)
* Ali'i Nahinu (w) (by Makua)
* Ali'i Kamahelelani (k) (by Kekai Ha'akuloni)
* Honourable Ali'i nui KAUMUALI'I, Governor of Kauai [1795] – [26.5.1824] (see above)
* Honourable Ali'i nui KAHALAI'A LUANU'U, Governor of Kauai [1824] – [1825], son of Ali'i nui Kala'imamahu (see Hawai'i Island), and his wife, Ali'i nui Kahikuha'akoi, married 1stly, Ali'i nui Kuini Liliha, married 2ndly, Ali'i nui Elizabeth Kinau [Ka'ahumanu II], and had issue. He died 27th April 1826.
* Honourable Ali'i nui KAIKIO'EWA, Governor of Kauai [1825] - [10.5.1839], born 1765, son of Ali'i Ka'ianaukupe Kaolohaka-a-Keawe [Ka'ianaukupe], and his wife, Ali'i Kekiko'ola Lalanikauleleaiwi, he was a friend and supporter of Kamehameha and became a gaurdian of King Kamehameha III; married 1stly, Ali'i nui Kalanikaulihiwakama, married 2ndly, Ali'i Emelia Keaweamahi, Governor of Kauai (see below), and had issue, two daughters. He died 10th April 1839.
o Ali'i nui Kuwahine (w) (by Kekiko'ola Lalanikauleleaiwi)
o Ali'i nui Likelike (w) (by Kalanikaulihiwakama)
* Honourable Ali'i nui Emelia Keaweamahi, Governor of Kauai [1839] – [1842], she succeeded her husband in the post of Governor of Kauai (see above).
* Her Excellency Ali'i nui Anna Keahikuni'ikekau'onohi, Governor of Kauai [1842] - [1844], born about 1805, daughter of HRH Prince Kahoanoku Kinau (see Hawai'i), and his wife, Ali'i Kahikuha'akoi. She died 1847.
* His Excellency Ali'i PAULO KANOA K.C.K., K.C.H., Governor of Kauai [21.10.1846] - [4.1.1877], born 1802 in Kahalu'u, South Kona; started out as a clerk to the Governor of Oahu; Knight of the Royal order of Kamehameha Ist, Grand Officer of the Royal Crown Of Hawai'i; Member of the Privy Council of State; Member of the House of Nobles; married 1stly, Ali'i Kahana'auwai, married 2ndly, 8th October 1842, Ali'i nui Kapau (she married 1stly, Ali'i nui Ka'a'aikaulehelehe, and had issue, see below), and had issue. He died 10th November 1885 in Honolulu.
* His Excellency JOHN EDWARD BUSH, Governor of Kauai [4.1.1877] - [1880], born 15th February 1843, Minister of Finance [20.5.1882] - [8.8.1882]; Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs [19.8.1880] - [22.9.1880]; Minister of the Interior [14.8.1880] - [27.9.1880] and [8.8.1882] - [14.5.1883]; married 1stly, Maryanne Peters, daughter of John Peters, and his wife, Mele Ka'aiawa'awa Napiwai, married 2ndly, Mary Julia Glennie, born 14th March 1868, died 7th June 1932, daughter of William Munson Glynnie, and his wife, Kealohapau'ole Kamakaiwi, and had issue. He died 28th June 1906.
o John Edward Bush, born 31st January 1890.
* His Excellency FRED WILLIAM KAHAPULA BECKLEY, Governor of Kauai [16.8.1880] - [7.1.1881], born 26th November 1845 in Waimea, son of William Charles Malulani Beckley, and his wife, Kahinu Ho'olulu (see Maui), married December 1867, Emmaline Kailikapulono Metcalf, born 5th March 1847 in Honolulu, died 21st April 1929 in Honolulu, daughter of Theophilus Metcalf, and hi's wife, Kailikapulono, and had issue. He died 7th January 1881 in Honolulu.
o Sabina Kahinu'okekuaokalani'akea'olekeleke Beckley, born 17th October 1868 in Honolulu, married 30th December 1889, William K. Hutchinson, died 14th March 1943, and had issue. She died 25th January 1935 in Honolulu.
o Charles Kapahukui Beckley, born December 1872 in Honolulu, died 29th April 1873.
o Fred William Kahapula Beckley, born 7th May 1874 in Honolulu, married Alice Heanu, and had issue. He died 20th December 1943.
o Charlotte P. Beckley, died 26th October 1895.
o Emily R. Beckley, died 28th December 1904.
o Fredericka Wilhelmina Kailikapuolou Beckley, born 1880, married 1905, William Farewell Jones Naki. She died 24th August 1911.
* His Excellency PAUL P. KANOA, Governor of Kauai [12.1.1881] - [1886], son of Ali'i nui Ka'a'aikaulehelehe, and his wife, Ali'i nui Kapau (see above); he served as Minister of Finance [30.6.1886] - [1.7.1887].
* His Excellency LANIHAU, Governor of Kauai [31.7.1886] - [1888]
* His Excellency WILLIAM HYDE RICE, Governor of Kauai [8.2.1892] - [28.2.1893], born 23rd July 1846 in Punahoe, Honolulu, son of William Harrison Rice, and his wife, Mary Sophia Hyde, married 17th October 1872, Mary Waterhouse, born 26th July 1847, died after 1928, daughter of John Thomas Waterhouse, and his wife, Eleanor Dickenson, and had issue. He died 15th June 1924 in Hawai'i.
o William Henry Rice, born 24th June 1874 in Lihue, Kaua'i, married 8th June 1897 in Honolulu, Mary Agnes Girvin, and had issue.
+ William Harrison Rice, born 26th January 1901, married Olivia Le Bosquet, died 25th June 1930, and had issue. He died 5th May 1974.
# Henry Harrison Rice, born 26th February 1929, died April 1983.
+ Paul Girvin Rice, born 14th April 1903, died 14th May 1981.
+ Richard Hans Rice, born 20th May 1906, died 30th January 1966.
+ Mary Dorothea Isenberg Rice, born 26th January 1911, died 1st February 1988.
o Charles Atwood Rice, born 12th September 1876 in Honolulu, died 1964.
o Arthur Hyde Rice, born 25th July 1878 in Lihue, Kaua'i.
o Mary Eleanor Kaonohilani Rice, born 25th November 1880 in Lihue, Kaua'i, died 22nd January 1923.
o Anna Charlotte Rice, born 5th August 1882 in Lihue, Kaua'i.
o Harold Waterhouse Rice, born 10th November 1883 in Waikiki.
o Philipp La Vergne Rice, born 22nd July 1886 in Lihue, Kaua'i.
o Emily Dorothea Rice, born 30th September 1889 in Lihue, Kaua'i, died 1975 in Honolulu.
List of Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
The known independent rulers were:(That means without overrule by another island Mo'i)
* Moikeha 1st Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Haulanuiaiakea 2nd Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* La'amaikahiki 3rd Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Ahukini-a-Laa 4th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kamahano 5th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Luanu'u 6th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kukona 7th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Manokalanipo 8th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kamakamano 9th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kahakuakane 10th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kuwalupaukamoku 11th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kahakumakapaweo 12th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kalanikukuma 13th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kahakumakalina 14th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kamakapu 15th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kawelomahamahaia 16th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kawelomakualua 17th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kaweloiankanaka 18th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kawelo'a'maihunali'i 19th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kuali'i ? - 1730 20th Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi and 19th Alii Aimoku of Oahu
* Peleioholani 1730 - 1770 21st Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi and 22nd Aliʻi Aimoku of Oahu
* Kamakahelei 1770 - 1794, 22nd Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
* Kaumuali'i 1794 - 1810, 23rd Aliʻi Aimoku of Kauaʻi
Ever single one of these family have PIO lines, or at least the level of ALi'i Nui. AS you can see, we even had a female Governor of Kauai as well.
Further, I want everyone to note, NO WHERE is the word ATOOI ever used in any of these official documents including the documents issued by prominent historians oif HAWAIAAN ANCESTRY.
There is not ONE SINGLE CHANT that I can recall, remember or find. I havd even called other Kumu Hulas who are renowned and respected. I have consulted renowned Native Hawaiian geneologists. I have searched and searched in hope of validating just for my own peace of mind the claims that Kauai was EVER called ATOOI.
hHat I did discover, however, was that the recollections of my hanai ohana, who have passed on correctly told me of other names of Kauai. Most notably that of Kauai Mano Ka Lani Po. This Alii Moi was the only King of Kauai to have his name linked to the island, and it carried on that way for hundreds of years. It still remains in chants and moolelos today.
There is the older sacred name of Kauai as well. There is also the renaming of Hanalei from its former name of Hale Le'a, but the ahupuaa remained the same.
There are the expected names of "Opu", "Moo" and "Maka" names and the "Kawahine" names that dominate the Pio lists. Further, the Kawelo dynasties and others such as the Keawe lines as well. These are the solid Moi lines.
I do not write this to be offensive, hewa, rude, mahaoi or niele. I write it because I am a historian, a chanter, and a keeper of Moolelo, and geneologies are part of what I do. Because I beleive so strongly in the Monarchy, and the cheifly class, I study this intently and have increased my study over the last 10 or so years.
The cheifly class is alive and well. But we must follow a constitution. A proper one. One that has already being done. There is no reinventing of the wheel. But there is something called "jumping the gun".
I sincerely hope there is no offense in this posting. But I had to do it, much as it pains me to do it.
I have personally met Prince Edward and Princess Abigail. My hanai dear Gramma Rachel supported their claims. As does most of Hawaii Nei. To now have Dayne claiming to be the King of Kauai, is something I would like nothing better but to prove. I tried using whatever tools I had at my disposal. But in the end, I have to conclude, based on the facts at hand, that at least for the overall Moi status there is just not enough evidence there to suggest that he has a strong enough claim to it.
The facts are the facts and cannot be changed, that the Kawananakoas are not only the Moi of Kauai, but also the Pio lines, and are the Heir apperents. TO all of Hawaii, as deemed by her Majesty, Queen Liliuokalani, according to the Hawaiian Constitution and the council of Cheifs. Because the Kawananakoas are alive and well, and the direct issue of blood is unbroken, at this time, they are the legitimate heir apperents to both Kauai, and the entire Mokupuni Pae AIna. However, I am sure that when they are restored to their rightful place, they may seem fit to bestow upon Dayne the title of Alii Mo'i if they choose to, or the title of Alii Nui, or ALii, or Konohiki Nui, or konohiki Iki. Whatever is bestowed upon Dayne, I am sure that he will make a kind, generous and benevolent cheif.
But I do have to say that through all of this investigation I have surely learned a lot. And now I have even more knowledge of the geneologies and histories then I did originally and a lot more to keep stored away in my memory.
ALoha no.
Anne Punohu
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Just sayin' -- There's more to Hawaii than just Oahu
Excellent article by a fellow blogger. Please read regarding the significance of the neighbor island vote in the gubernatorial election
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Lawmakers visit homeless to seek input on solutions | | The Honolulu Advertiser
a full report on this visit later. I spoke personally to Mizuno for over an hour. While Cabanilla makes caliys statements about public housing residents, and then trots dow to Waianae to make a solid case for evicting public housing residents, Mizuno seemed to be willing to listen to reason. I can tell you that Cabanillas goal is to evict public housing residents. Mizuno I am hoiping has changed his mind. The situation of poeple being homeless is not caused by the homeless themselves. ANd good law abiding rent poaying long term residents should not be forcced back onto the beach in an exchange of hostages of war. I wil;l be adfding more to this post as I continue my fight against any such legislation.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Some Hawaii homeless abuse state benefits, lawmakers say | | The Honolulu Advertiser
shame and hewa i hate to say i told u so but i told u so.
Both of my coalitions are on high alert and fully prepared to fight any legislation in January that will compormise the health safety and welfare of law abiding housing residents whose only crime is not earning enough to support outside rentals.
although they see me and my little coalition as no threat to them, they m,ight feel differently in 2012.
contact me if u are ready to fight the good fight
Got WIndmills post, and my history with the "Olelo Hawai'i or the Hawaiian language
Oh I LOVED this post, Andy. Kumu Illei was not my first teacher of 'Olelo. That teaching came originally from hanai 'ohana, with my first formal introduction to the "university style" coming from the late Kumu Helena Maka Santos, who single handedly created a new interest in 'olelo Hawai'i mostly amung the born and raised of the North Shore. I spoke it,semi- passaby although often broken up with English with the North Shore dialect but did not know how to read or write the language.
However here is some history which I'm sure you already know.
The people of Hawai'i never used the 'okina and the kahako before when the language became a written one with the first printing of Na Bibela. The Exception was among the Ali'i. As I am sure you know, there was the "upper class" 'Olelo, reserved for the Ali'i, and the court and retainers, and the language of the common people, which was what I was familiar with.
When the Ali'i dealt with other leaders and countries, the language was often used more phoneticlly and deciphered mostly from linquists or botanists or historians aboard ships that traveled here. That is how the misspelled and misprounounced words for the major Islands occured, such as "Ohwyhee, Mowree, and Atooi", but this redated the creation of the 'okina and the kahako, although the macron was used in many phonetical spelling attempts. That is why you might see these incorrect spellings in documents of the period.
The people were fluent enough in the language not to need it. However if you read the old Nukapepa, you will see many liberal and creative spellings of "Hawaiianized" words. The "s" and the "t" was used far more liberally as well.
How the use of the 'okina and the kahako came about was of course from the great writer of the Hawai'ian Dictionary Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel Elbert who were commissioned to do it by the territorial Government.
It was the creative genius of these two that came up with the idea of the 'okina and the kahako, the 'okina to replace certain sounds, most importantly the "glottal stop", and the kahako to teach people where to elongate the vowels.
This was done since about the time of statehood the language was practicly non existant despite its being named as the official state language.
The use of the 'okina and the kahako to teach almost anyone to read, write and speak the language of 'olelo Hawai'i is one of the most brilliant attestments to the creative genius of the people of Hawai'i to adjust and to perpetuate the living, breathing culture of this place.
While Kaua'i, and its distinctively different dialects, (from the North Shore and Na Pali dialects, the Ni'ihau dialects, a and the West side dialects are distinct and unique Kauai still ranks as the purest of dialects in Hawai'i.
I still prefer to read and write 'olelo without the use of the 'okina and the kahako, since it is not neccessary for me.
This helps to decipher older documents especially Palapala Sila Nui, as well as chants or mo'olelo that were written before the use of the 'okina and the kahako. To do that however you must be able to put the words in its proper context and kaona, so sometimes that takes quite a bit of research, otherwise you will actually get your meanings all wrong.
When I first learned to write and read 'Olelo with Auntie Helena, it was almost impossible for me to understand the concept of the 'okina and the kahako. Auntie Helena taught us first what we knew and were used to and then introduced the new "University" style.
Kumu 'Illei did the same thing. To this day I can tell if someone is a native speaker, or only learned the "University " style. O'ahu speakers are the best example of this. When they speak, it sounds more like german to me and is hard and gutteral, rather then the soft, lilting musical quality that is distincly the sound that most outer island fluent and native speakers make when they speak 'olelo.
When I took from Kumu Illei as I am sure she can attest I had a very hard time with the "university Hawaii" sentence structure. In fact I was very bad at it. But to be fair, I suck at English sentence structure and grammar as well, so it is no wonder I also suck at University 'Olelo as well!
However when I write something for others I always use it. I will write it out without it, and then go back and pop in the 'okinas and kahako.
I enjoy reading the Nukapepa from the old days. A lot of words I still need to look up and its always fun to see how the words were "Hawaiianized" even back when the 'okina and the Kahako were not in common use.
Long live Ka 'Olelo 'O Mokupuni Pae 'Aina 'O Hawaii Nei!(Andy's original post on his blog, and a breifer post from this post of mine.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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